Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Beginners Guide to Vaping: Are E-Cigs Right For You?

A lot of people who come into our store come in here trying to quit cigarettes or to see what the Electronic Cigarette Community is all about, (what the "hype" is)

I thought I'd give a simple tutorial on what you should start with, how to fill, maintain, and clean your electronic cigarette, and what juice might best suit your preference.

I will also add some video tutorials over time and build up a library of information for you newbie vapors out there.

Step One: Are Electronic Cigarettes Whats Best For You?

            One thing to think about when you're trying to make the switch, is how much money are you handing over to the cigarette companies. I did the math for myself when I made the switch and I spent around $175.15 a month smoking Malboro Smooths at a rate of a pack a day. Within a year that's looking at $2101.80. Now like most people in our nation I'm not made of money so that's a huge hurting on my wallet every year and I was smoking for about 8 years totaling to $16,814.40 in my lifetime. So there's my worth to the tobacco industry safely at a pack a day, (of course there were days where I had 2 packs.)

            But lets say you don't smoke cigarettes and you just want to see what this vapor thing is really all about. I've done my research over the past few weeks and learned that Electronic Cigarettes have existed since the 1960's but hasn't really taken off until about a decade ago. Since then there has been thousands of different brands and customization for your vaping experience. So if you're the type of person that has an occasional cigarette when you're at the bar, or go out to Hookah Lounges with your friends this could also be the right thing for you as well. With the "E-Juice's" you can buy, there are millions of nicotine free flavors for you to try and buy, hence the nickname people haven given them "E-Hookah."

           Okay, so that's cool but whats all this I'm seeing on the news about health issues it may cause and why the government hasn't approved of these things if they can save lives? I have one simple answer, misinterpretation and uneducated accusations, here's my reasoning..

            I'm sure you've seen these at local gas stations or tobacco shops. People get them, usually as a first step to quitting. They're right next to your favorite cigarette blends, so it gives you that psychological factor of hey, these are right here, maybe I should try these out. Which in reality is a wonderful thing to cross your mind for sure, but these are made by the same companies you're trying to stop buying from.

           Alright, but these are safe right? These aren't real cigarettes even though they look like them right?

With the (those who will not be named) E-Cigs you have to buy different "cartridges" to replace for your electronic cigarette. On top of that you will literally have to break it open to really see what's in it. So in other words, you're stuck with their product and flavors until you buy another electronic cigarette.

I've cracked one open trying to "mod" my cheapo, and to my amazement there's a filter inside. I filter soaked in this "juice" they supply. But here's where the problem arises, if this thing is heating up this juice to turn to vapor wouldn't that heat up the filter? You betcha. And these are some of the reasons people keep putting down Electronic Cigarettes.

Lets take a look at a REAL electronic cigarette at it's most basic form.

    Looks like something out of Star Trek, well let me go over each part and how it works so you can pick up the slang and the terms used if you do ever go into a "Vaping" store like O2Easy.

The battery of course, this is the main part people call "mods." This is the most basic eGo battery that comes with most starter kits. The reason being is because each other part you may get down the road is compatible and will fit these batteries.
These are called Atomizers, Clearomizers, or Tanks by slang. Back to what I was saying with the other brands. There are no filters, no combustion, no fire. Here's another picture looking inside.

            Now considering what I was saying with the the other companies you have to buy cartridges with the pre-made flavors they sell at...$12.00 for a 5 pack, and with experience I've had with it that's a cartridge a day. So $12.00 (plus tax) a week. Looking at the website they have 7 flavors to choose from...that's horrible.
           Just here at O2 Easy alone we have over 40 different flavors each with their own nicotine level preferences. A 12ml bottle of juice would last you a week and a half (if you're smoking a pack a day) and we sell them for $8.95. Also remember you can mix flavors and customize it to your liking.

                To sum everything out for our first lesson, there are two main parts to an electronic cigarette to remember (for now) and that's the battery and the tank (or atomizer). We will get into the more advanced terminology in a later lesson, but those two will at least get you on the right page. 

Gas station bought brands are no good, flavor and health reasons make them obsolete; so take that in consideration. Chances are if it looks like a cigarette then it's probably no good for you.

Check out our website o2EasyUSA to get an idea of different parts and flavors.

Happy Vaping Folks!

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